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What people are saying about The Joy Team

Ever heard the “if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make any sound?” question?

So, if a joyful billboard goes up in a city and people don’t comment on it, is it spreading any joy?  The answer is YES. But fortunately we know this because people do comment on the billboards and tell us it makes them happy. Yay!

Here’s what people are saying about  the billboards that are still spreading joy in the Portland-Vancouver metro area.

Want to share the love? Email your comments / thoughts / feelings about any or all of the 8 billboards to michele (at) thejoyteam.org.

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2 Responses so far.

  1. Kenda Harris says:

    I just love your organization and the fantastic messages that are out there. I drive by them and just smile…I’ve also printed out a number of these posters to strategically place around work…so great when you hear people saying positive things and smiling when they see them!

  2. michele says:

    Thank you Kenda! We’re so glad you’re enjoying the billboards AND the free posters! Keep spreading joy!

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