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Tag Archives: dana layon

95 smiley face balloons on the wall…

My dear friend and fellow spreader of joy Dana Layon-Damara of Zen Flow Yoga and I, along with our kids, went out to pick up 75 smiley face balloons today. Add those to the 20 already in house and there are now 95 big yellow smiles filling my living room (aka: The Joy Team office). These balloons, each accompanied with […]

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DIY Joy: Cultivate Acceptance

If you want to be happy, there are a more than a few things you’ll need to accept, just as they are. The people in our lives are very possibly one of the most challenging things to accept “as is”. “If only he would do this…” “Why can’t she just see it this way?” “I wish he was more like…” […]

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The Joy Team helps launch the second Off the Mat: Confessions of a Yogi

The Joy Team was honored to be part of Dana Layon’s release party for her second book in a series of seven called Off the Mat: Confessions of a Yogi. The Joy Team founder Michele Larsen (that’s me!) got to speak for a few minutes about the work we’re doing spreading joy through the amazing power of positive messaging–and billboards. […]

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