Random Acts of Kindness Week

February 12 – 18 is Random Acts of Kindness Week! Best. Week. Ever. Here are some ideas to get your kindness mojo in motion. Get the printable pdf here. Have kids? Here’s a 2-up pdf version for them, too!
February 12 – 18 is Random Acts of Kindness Week! Best. Week. Ever. Here are some ideas to get your kindness mojo in motion. Get the printable pdf here. Have kids? Here’s a 2-up pdf version for them, too!
Following the election, the US has been a volatile place; protests and riots pepper the country, people are reporting emotional distress. Looking at the news and social media paints a picture of America burdened with hate and fear. We’d like to change that. World Kindness Day (November 13) we launched a website with the goal of bringing some of the good […]
What if you could change the world with one positive message? It’s commonly said that the way you change the world is one person at a time. What if you could do it one positive message at a time? The Joy Team launched an outdoor ad campaign for happiness in April 2010 and, with the support of local businesses, we’ve […]
2012 has been an amazing year for The Joy Team. In January we started The Junior Joy Team to help children ages 5-12 to discover the warmth of spreading joy and building community. With hand-drawn notes of appreciation in Happy Packets the kids assembled themselves, The Junior Joy Team started by spreading joy to Vancouver City Hall. After partnering with […]
The very first Junior Joy Team project went so well that the heart of the city was swelling with joy. The kids had so much fun sharing smiles that Junior Joy Team member, Carter Jacob asked before walking out the door of City Hall, “Can we do this again tomorrow?” And as for the folks at City Hall, did it […]
My dear friend and fellow spreader of joy Dana Layon-Damara of Zen Flow Yoga and I, along with our kids, went out to pick up 75 smiley face balloons today. Add those to the 20 already in house and there are now 95 big yellow smiles filling my living room (aka: The Joy Team office). These balloons, each accompanied with […]
Today, October 22nd, is Make a Difference day–a great opportunity to put forth a special effort to do something to make a difference for someone else. Want some ideas? How about: giving a smile and a genuine “hello” to a few strangers taking a plate of cookies to a friend who had a tough week send a hand-written note to […]
Although The Joy Team truly began with a mother and her daughter spreading messages of joy, optimism and inspiration across Portland and Vancouver in November of 2009; the official beginning of The Joy Team as a non-profit corporation in the state of Washington began on February 19, 2010. One year ago today. With the mission of spreading joy, optimism and […]
The Daily Love aims to show you the love and make you happy. And the best part about being happy is sharing that happiness with others. Today’s Daily Love is awesome. It talks about setting goals — a popular topic in early January. Here’s my favorite part of today’s message: Make 2011 the year you break free of limiting beliefs […]
Starting today bright yellow billboards will begin going up in Beaverton, Gresham, Oregon City, Portland, and Vancouver sending out holiday wishes of joy. More than doubling the number of billboards in this second round of promoting joy, optimism and inspiration, we’ve brought together 18 Oregon and Washington businesses and one husband and wife couple from New Mexico to put up […]